Aktuálne pracovné ponuky
Hľadanie práce v Kanade
Vybraní zamestnávatelia v Kanade
Location: Calgary, AB
Job requirements
Languages: English
Education: Secondary (high) school graduation certificate or equivalent experience
Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years
Specific Skills: Prepare special orders; Inspect kitchen and food service areas; Frost and decorate cakes and baked goods; Ensure that the quality of products meets established standards; Draw up production schedules; Bake mixed dough and batters; Prepare dough for pies, bread, rolls and sweet goods, batters for muffins, cookies and cakes and icings and frostings according to recipes or special customer orders; Operate machinery
Personal Suitability: Accurate; Team player; Client focus; Dependability; Judgement; Reliability
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment; Work under pressure; Repetitive tasks; Handling heavy loads; Manual dexterity; Attention to detail; Hand-eye co-ordination; Ability to distinguish between colours; Standing for extended periods; Tight deadlines; Overtime required
Food Specialties: Donuts and muffins; Desserts and pastries; Cake decorating; Breads and rolls
Salary: 16.00 CAD hourly for 40 hours per week
Schedule: Full-time
Administrative Assistant
Location: Vancouver, BC
Job requirements
Languages: English
Education: Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years
Specific Skills: Type and proofread correspondence, forms and other documents; Schedule and confirm appointments; Answer telephone and relay telephone calls and messages; Answer electronic enquiries; Order office supplies and maintain inventory; Open and distribute regular and electronic incoming mail and other material and co-ordinate the flow of information; Set up and maintain manual and computerized information filing systems
Personal Suitability: Flexibility; Team player; Excellent oral communication; Excellent written communication; Client focus; Organized; Ability to multitask
Salary: 24.25 CAD hourly for 40 hours per week
Schedule: Full-time
Ponuka práce v Toronte
Job pisition: Maintenance Manager
Job requirements
Languages: English
Education: Secondary (high) school graduation certificate
Experience: 3 years to less than 5 years
Specific Skills: Administer contracts for the provision of supplies and services; Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of commercial, transportation and recreational facilities and the included real estate; Plan, organize and direct administrative services such as signage, cleaning, maintenance, parking, safety inspections, security and snow removal; Oversee the installation, maintenance and repair of real estate infrastructures including machinery, equipment and electrical and mechanical systems; Plan and manage the facility's operations budget; Prepare or oversee the preparation of reports and statistics related to areas of responsibility; Direct the maintenance and repair of an establishment's machinery, equipment and electrical and mechanical systems; Develop and implement schedules and procedures for safety inspections and preventive maintenance programs; Hire and oversee training and supervision of staff
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Fast-paced environment; Work under pressure; Attention to detail; Tight deadlines
Personal Suitability: Initiative; Flexibility; Accurate; Team player; Excellent oral communication; Excellent written communication; Client focus; Dependability; Judgement; Reliability
Salary: 36 CAD hourly for 40 hours per week
Schedule: Full-time
Ponuka práce v The Fairmont Banff Springs
Location: Alberta, National Park Banff
Job pisition: Reception Agent - Front Office
Summary of Responsibilities:Reporting to the Front Desk Supervisor, responsibilities and essential job functions include but are not limited to the following:
- Consistently offer professional, friendly and engaging service
- Greet, check in and settle guest accounts while ensuring all service standards are followed
- Prepare information for day audit
- Responsible for maintaining personal cash float used to assist guest with transactions and currency exchange
- Complete the duties of relief switchboard operator as required
- Answer guest inquiries regarding rates, special packages, and general information accurately and in a timely manner
- Accurate completion of all special billing requests, room service and flower orders
- Assist guests regarding hotel facilities in an informative and helpful way
- Drive rate through up-selling room brands
- Follow department policies, procedures and service standards
- Follow all safety policies
- Other duties as assigned
- Proficiency in English (verbal and written), second language an asset
- Previous customer related experience preferred
- Previous PMS experience an asset
- Computer literate in Microsoft Window applications an asset
- Must be able to type 25 words per minute
- Must possess a professional presentation
- Strong interpersonal and problem solving abilities
- Highly responsible & reliable
- Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment
- Ability to work cohesively with fellow colleagues as part of a team
- Ability to focus attention on guest needs, remaining calm and courteous at all times
Perks: Endless staff events, subsidized staff housing, daily duty meal in our staff cafeteria, employee travel program, food & beverage/fitness centre/spa/golf discounts, competitive extended benefit plans (medical, vision, dental), employee assistance program.
Physical Aspects of Position (include but are not limited to):
- Frequent standing and walking throughout shift
- Occasional kneeling, pushing, pulling, lifting
- Occasional ascending or descending ladders, stairs and ramps
Job Level: Colleague
Schedule: Full-time
Shift: Rotating / Shift Work
Ponuka práce v Toronte, v Sudbury, v Calgary a vo Vancouveri
Viktoria Professional Movers is looking for friendly, enthusiastic and hardworking, full-time and part-time employees to join our great team in the fast growing moving company. Although the moving experience is an asset, we are prepared to train exceptional people into exceptional movers. Positive work attitude, reliability and honesty is what we are looking for. You must be in a good physical shape to be able to lift at least 75 lbs. and presentable to enter residences.
Job positions:
- Mover, Driver - starting salary 15 - 17 CAD/h plus tips
- people for cleaning and packing - starting salary 15 - 17 CAD/h plus tips
- Valid Driver’s License with clean Driver’s Abstract (if applying as driver)
- Criminal record check required
- Committed to a high level of customer service
- Previous moving or industry experience an asset but not required
Ponuka práce vo Vancouveri
Spoločnosť: Springland Enterprises Ltd., firma s predmetom činnosti - rekonštrukcie terás a kladenie vodotesných izolácií.
Pracovné pozície:
- Pomocník na stavbu
- pracovníčka na pomoc s administratívou a v domácnosti
- ponúkaný plat 10-15 CAD na hodinu
- ponúkame stravu a ubytovanie (prízemie rodinného domu), čo predstavuje okolo $1000 CAD mesačne (500 ubytovanie, 500 strava)
- nulové náklady na cestovanie do práce
- poskytujeme zaškolenie
Ponuka práce v Toronte
Pracovná pozícia: Marketingový asistent farmaceutickej spoločnosti
- stredoškolské alebo vysokoškolské vzdelanie
- minimálne ročná prax
- komunikatívnosť, flexibilita, znalosť anglického jazyka, schopnosť pracovať pod tlakom
- ponúkaný plat $3.600 CAD plus Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Vision Care Benefits
Ponuka práce v Calgary
Job position: Administrative Secretary in wholesaling warehouse
- Languages - English
- Education - Completion of high school
- Experience - 7 months to less than 1 year
- Business Equipment and Computer Applications - Windows; General office equipment
- Typing (Words Per Minute) - 41 - 60 wpm
- Area of Specialization - Correspondence; Invoices
- Specific Skills - Arrange travel schedules and make reservations; Record and prepare minutes of meetings, seminars and conferences; Answer telephone and relay telephone calls and messages; Computerized bookkeeping and accounting
- Essential Skills - Reading text; Communication; Working with others; Problem solving; Decision making; Critical thinking; Job task planning and organizing
- Salary - Hourly: min. $22 for 35.0 hours per week
- Benefits - As per collective agreement
Ponuka práce v Toronte
Pracovná pozícia: Graphic Designer
- ponúkaný plat $27.00 CAD na hodinu/ 40 hodín týždenne plus Medical Benefits
- stredoškolské alebo vysokoškolské vzdelanie
- minimálne dvojročná prax
- požadovaná znalosť Photoshop, Linux, InDesign, Illustrator
- oblasť pôsobenia: Všeobecný grafický dizajn, technické ilustrácie, Visual art, reklama, publikácie, multimédia
Ponuka práce v Toronte
Pracovná pozícia: Robotník na stavbe
- pracovná pozícia je pre Toronto a GTA
- práca je zabezpečená počas celého roku
- nástupný plat 15 $ na hodinu (zamestnanec bez skúseností, pri preukázaní skúseností zužitkovateľných pri budovaní Four Seasons Sunrooms viac)
- zodpovedný, dochvíľny, schopný pracovať samostatne
- možnosť pick up
- angličtina nie je podmienkou
- uchádzač musí mať pracovné povolenie
- denne sa pracuje zvyčajne 10 hodín + je možnosť pracovať aj cez víkendy
Zamestnávateľ pri práci
Špeciálna ponuka práce v Calgary
Pracovná pozícia: Kachličkár - Obkladač
- ponúkaný plat 3500 CAD mesačne
- pracovná zmluva je na 2 roky
- miesto výkonu práce: Calgary
- spoločnosť: Steve Lux Tile Ltd.
- požadovaná prax 2-3 roky v hl. pomere
- počiatočná investícia do seba cca 5000 Euro (letenka, auto, ubytovanie atď.)
- Otvorené pracovné povolenie získa zároveň aj partnerka
Pracovné životopisy môžete zasielať priamo zamestnávateľovi: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Práca v hoteli Mariner King

Hotel je v malom turistickom mestečku Lunenburg, nie je tam verejná doprava, ale všade sa da dostať pešo. Transport z letiska a na letisko zabezpečí hotel. Hotel vie poskytnúť aj krátkodobé ubytovanie na týždeň maximálne 2, kým si nájde vlastné bývanie.
Two workers to work at a gas station/ convenience store in Rycroft
Husky Tags Rycroft requires two workers to work at a gas station/ convenience store in Rycroft, Alberta, Canada. The worker must have basic English skills. Company will assist you in locating accommodation. Company is located on a major intersection of highways and serves mostly the traveling public. Village is located in lush farming country, that also is very close to our forests and only 30 minutes from the city. Our starting wage is $11.65 per hour and positions are for full time, and for five shifts per week. Company can schedule so a person can have longer periods off to travel in the county. We would pick up staff from either Edmonton International airport (5 hrs away) or Grande Prairie (30 Minutes away).
Práca v hoteli
Spoločnosť Hagiel hľadá hotelový personál pre Hotel Astoria v Jasperi, AB, Canada
Spoluvlastníkom hotela je bývalá klientka spoločnosti Hagiel.